This is on the Camino de Santiago in Spain, which I first walked in 2014.
In the ensuing 10 years, I have walked all the main pilgrimage routes in Spain., France, and Portugal, as well as routes in Italy and Japan for a total of probably 4000 miles.

One of the best parts is you get to eat a lot.

I have met some of the coolest people on my caminos. Here is a group from 2 years ago; Juana, unknown, Wulf, Adrian, Seneca & Pedro from Colorado, some guy from Idaho, and Nicolas, who I visited last year in Paris.

Ist day of first camino.

Crossing the Pyrenees.

Bernard. We are laughing because he is drying his underwear on a stick.

Communal dinners are super-fun.

Fabio (really), Fabrizio, moi, Alex from Indiana. Last day of the Norte which follows the northern coast of Spain.



...the rain in Spain.....

Shikoku, 88 Temple Route.

Playing piano somewhere in France.

Off the main track farm country in Japan.

I hope to keep wal]kjng for years to come.